Since the end of December, the incidence in Germany has been steadily increasing, with the number of new infections per 100,000. People for seven days in a row. According to RKI data, the ratio is currently 362.7. The previous day was 335.9 and a week ago it was 222.7.
The number of new infections will still vary depending on the region. Several months later, when the northern part of Germany was less infected than the rest of the country, the situation changed. Although Bremen is the federal state with the highest percentage of fully vaccinated people, it has the highest seven-day incidence – 1,032.6. Next: Berlin (685.7), Hamburg (575.2) and Schellswick-Holstein (536.8). Saxony-Unhold (260.1) has the lowest incidence.
There have been 77 Govt-19 related deaths in the country in the last 24 hours. One week ago, 46 people died. Since the outbreak, RKI has recorded approximately 7.5 million confirmed SARS-CoV-2 corona virus infections.
Health Minister Karl Lauterbach believes further restrictions are inevitable in the fight against Omikron diversity. “The decisions taken by the federal and provincial governments on Friday are a” very important step forward, “Perist as Berlin said in the ARD plan.
Central and provincial governments on Friday agreed to tackle the spread of the Omikron variant. In gastronomy across the country, the 2G Plus rule is in effect, requiring those who have been vaccinated with the Covit-19 vaccine to present a negative corona virus test to enter the premises.
Booster dose recipients are not required to submit to the tests.