The European Union opens to a new country. Warning: We don’t want more asylum seekers

ArmeniaLocated in the orbit of Russian influence, Opens closer cooperation with the West. In recent months, the country’s prime minister Nicole Pashinian talked about many times Disillusionment with MoscowOther allies have also rallied around the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OBUZ), which is said to be increasingly unsupportive of Yerevan. Conflict with neighboring Azerbaijan.

According to the current agreement between the European Union and Armenia, Armenian citizens must have a visa to enter the territory of any member state. Armenian citizens currently use the so-called simplified procedures to enter the Schengen area for stays of 90 days out of any 180 days.

However, Armenia is trying Liberalization of visa regime. The European Union has introduced visa-free travel to 61 independent third countries. USA, Great Britain, Canada, Ukraine, Israel, Serbia or Georgia borders Armenia.

Armenia wants to be closer to the EU. Brussels gives the green light

Yerevan found itself out earlier this week One step closer to the goal of making it easier for citizens to enter the EU. A proposal to liberalize the visa regime with Armenia was approved at a meeting of EU foreign ministers.

All this inside European Peace Mechanism. It is a tool that gives Brussels the means to increase the security capacity of non-EU countries, thereby preventing conflict and strengthening peace. Thanks to this mechanism, Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova have already received assistance from the EU.

European Commission warns: Do not misuse the asylum system

A representative of the European Commission insisted that visa liberalization was “very important, concrete and visible to the public”, but – as he emphasized – All member states must agree to it.

– There are also tasks to be done by the partner country in Armenia in this regard. Liberalization has certain technical requirements, including, for example, Biometric passport required. But also political demands The EU official added that the political structure in the country does not allow people to abuse the asylum system and that people are not forced to leave the country.

Stano insisted EU countries do not want a sudden increase in the number of asylum seekers. It is therefore necessary to prevent abuse of visa-free travel or liberalized tourism. However, if all requirements are met, it could bring “great benefits to Armenian citizens.”

Deputy Minister of External Affairs Barujr Houhannisian It announced talks with Brussels in the coming months. He emphasized that None of the EU foreign ministers opposed the plan to start negotiations.

– This is a very positive change. We will continue to actively cooperate with the European Union and its member states to speed up this process as much as possible, he said.

Returns from occupied territories. “We accept 60-120 people a day”/Andriy Kalchenko/AFPTV/AFP/AFP

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