Brigitte Macron in dazzling white. The first lady was impressed with her appearance

President of the United States Joe Biden On Wednesday he landed in France, where he made his first state visit. His busy schedule includes: Participating in the 80th anniversary celebrations of the Allied landings in Normandy. It is an excellent opportunity to hold talks with the heads of state in France and Ukraine on expanding defense cooperation in the face of the Russian invasion that has been ongoing for more than 830 days.

After several meetings and speeches, the presidential couple and invited guests attended a joint dinner organized at the Élysée Palace. Just before entering the official residence Emmanuel Macron, photojournalists gathered in the courtyard were given time to take photographs to commemorate this unique event. After all, the efforts made by the teams of stylists do not go in vain.

The first ladies had an informal fashion war, delighting in elegant dresses and matching hairstyles. Jill Biden She decided Schiaparelli dress in navy blue velvet Adorned with a saree leading to a long, luxurious train. On the other hand Brigitte Macron She made a bet Long white Louis Vuitton dress With transparent sleeves on the sides and buttons and light pumps. Many brides would be proud of such a collection.

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