Ursula van der Leyen is the President of the European Commission for the second time

However, the new presidents were not unanimously elected at the European Council meeting. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán voiced their opposition to the summit. Against Meloni Costa and Orban van der Leyen.

The Italians abstained from voting on the Van der Leyen case.

The President of the European Commission is elected by the Heads of State and Government in the Council of Europe. According to the agreement, a candidate must win a qualified majority, which means in practice the support of at least 15 member states. The new President must be approved by the European Parliament.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk commented on the decision on stage X.

Ursula Von der Leyen is the former head of the German Ministry of Defense and a supporter of former Chancellor Angela Merkel, the initiator and advocate of the EU plan to achieve climate neutrality and deepen EU cooperation as part of the European Green Deal. Security.

Almost 5 years ago, during the summit in Brussels, the leaders of the EU countries jointly presented his candidacy for the post of President of the European Commission, and two weeks later the EP elected him to this position. He became the first representative of Germany to hold this position in more than 50 years.

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