Destroying schools, media rooms, city hall buildings, attacking policemen, firefighters and rescuers, senseless brutality – the attack on institutions is a sign of society’s barbarism, historian Pierre Vermeeren told PAP. No idealism, no utopianism, no unifying, mobilizing or collective project was offered to the French youth.
Increasing violence in the streets during demonstrations is a sign of the crisis. We don’t need more economic migrants, but more good jobs and industrialization, which was promised by President Emmanuel Macron in his presidential campaign and he didn’t deliver.
Says the historian.
Suburbs have been neglected for years and the state is retreating from them. Successive generations of immigrants are confronted with a dual labor market: the poor and workers work much longer, while the rich and workers retire by age fifty. In addition, a Frenchman works for three unemployed people – retired or unemployed
Vermeeren analyzes.
The crises of recent years
In recent years, we have experienced many crises: the Covid crisis, the “yellow dresses”, the financial and migration crises and none of the issues that disturb society such as the education system, health care or the labor market. Solved by politicians – says PAP’s interviewer.
Violence on the streets is increasing as people become poorer. In principle, there are no solutions to the current social, economic and democratic crisis
Vermeer concludes.
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