A “pivotal moment” in relationships. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi after meeting Antony Blinken

During this meeting, a meeting between US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and the head of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs took place. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was organized in Laos. After the talks, Wang Yi made a short statement in front of reporters. The Chinese diplomat, among others, commented: Under The issue of relations between Beijing and Washington.

– Threats continue to grow and challenges grow in Sino-US relations. We are still at a critical momentWhile preventing deterioration and stabilizing relations, he emphasized.

– America should President Joe Biden’s promises must be faithfully implemented He also said that there should be a return to a rational and pragmatic policy towards China.

According to Wang Yi, the White House has been using a repressive policy against China in recent months, leading to further disputes. At the same time, he stressed that Beijing is ready to negotiate and implement the plan.Peaceful coexistence and mutually beneficial cooperation“.

Beijing-Washington Relations. Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the situation surrounding Taiwan

Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China during a speech There was also a Taiwan title. The politician emphasized that the position of officials in Beijing remains unchanged and ambiguous.

– Taiwan is a part of China, it has never been and never will be a sovereign country. Taiwan’s freedom and peace in the Taiwan Strait are irreconcilable – he argued.

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