Adam Bodner recalled in the aforementioned interviewThere is currently a division in the prosecutor's office The Smolensk disaster. As the Minister of Justice emphasized, “it will cost taxpayers a lot of money.” When asked by the Onet journalist what sums we were talking about, the former human rights commissioner said they were “millions of zlotys”.
Bodner announced, “We will be making efforts in the future This investigative team must finish its work.” When asked if he planned to set up a new team, he said, “No,” because this “case must be finished.” The title mentioned the name of Antoni Masierevich. It appeared in the background. “Disappearing evidence.”
The head of the Ministry of Justice insisted The prosecutor's office has been asking Antony Masirevic to turn over evidence for years. These requests were not answered. When the reporter asked if the services would decide to enter the Macierewicz home, Bodnar avoided answering.
The rest of the article is below the video
Minister of Justice announcedThe evidence must be returned to its place, i.e. the lawyer's files, where it belongs.
Cezary Tomczyk, deputy head of the Ministry of Defense, announced in February this year that some evidence related to the Smolensk disaster had disappeared. During his speech in the Sejm, he mentioned that some models of the Tu-154 M aircraft were destroyed and some were missing.
According to the information provided in Sejm18 out of 23 parts were lost and 5 were destroyed during the test. On the same day, Macierewicz himself said that the destroyed pieces of the Tu-540 M had been handed over to NIAR by the then crew chiefs, and that he was “not aware of the matter”.