In recent days, Ukraine continues to receive sad reports of Russian crimes of torture and killing…
Category: Top News
War in Ukraine. NATO is involved in the permanent presence of troops on the border
NATO has been working on plans for a permanent military presence on its border Fight the…
Russia-Ukraine War – Daily Report. Information on the situation in Ukraine. Saturday, April 9th
Boris Johnson traveled to Kiev to meet with Volodymyr Zhelensky. In Buxa, the Khadrovs tortured civilians…
புச்சா. “Kadyrovsky had a torture chamber where they burned people’s eyes.”
– On Jabłunska Street in Bucza Russian soldiers occupied the city They created the “real torture…
Russian soldiers desert. They will fight with Putin
Ukraine has formed a war unit to gather Russian soldiers. The bomber struck shortly after noon…
Russia-Ukraine War – Daily Report. Information on the situation in Ukraine. Friday, April 8th
Ursula von der Lein came to Bucza and Kiev. “Your path to the EU has begun,”…
Ukraine: The Russians attacked the railway station in Kramatorsk. At least 39 people have been affected
“Two Russian rockets hit the station area. (…) It was a deliberate attack on Gramadorka’s civilian…
Online Games Hollywood Directors Lean On for Stories
Hollywood screen writers, producers and directors are always on the lookout for that next intriguing story which…
War in Ukraine. Media: Russia launches missile strike in Odessa
The rocket attack was carried out from the sea. It was not immediately clear what the…
Russian Nobel laureate soaked in paint. “This is for our boys”
“I am soaked in the acetone oil in the box and my eyes sting terribly.“- he…