Russian Pavel Durov, the billionaire and founder of Telegram Messenger, which, among other things, allows encrypted messages to be sent, was detained at Paris Le Bourget airport on Saturday evening. Durov was wanted by the French justice system for failing to cooperate with law enforcement in connection with the investigation into the ambassador. The Russian Foreign Ministry and the Russian Embassy in Paris responded to the matter on Sunday. – He wanted to be a citizen of the world, he miscalculated – former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev also commented on detention.
Pavel Durov is Russian, but holds a French passport. He arrived at Paris Le Bourgety Airport directly from Azerbaijan. He is wanted by the French justice system for failing to cooperate with law enforcement authorities in connection with an investigation into the activities of an emissary he created, allegedly used by criminals. Telegram allows you to post entries in public channels, but it also allows you to send encrypted messages, among other things.
The billionaire’s detention was reported by the TF1 info portal and citing its sources, as well as by the independent Belarusian website Nexta. “Telegram is a hub for criminal content,” wrote TF1 Info.
According to French investigators cited by the portal, Telegram “has become an excellent platform for organized crime over the years.”
He may face charges
On Sunday, Durov, 39, could be charged with facilitating a range of crimes including terrorism, drug trafficking, fraud, money laundering and disseminating pedophilic content through non-cooperation in investigations. After charges are filed, the creator of Telegram will be temporarily arrested.
Media reported that the French investigation focused on Telegram’s lack of moderators. This condition was found to be conducive to ongoing criminal activity.
Russian Pavel Durov, billionaire founder of Telegram MessengerReuters
There is a reaction from Moscow
Meanwhile, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Sunday that it was taking steps to “clarify” the situation.
The Russian embassy in Paris has requested consular access to the billionaire and guarantees his rights, Russian state news agency TASS reported on Sunday. Russian diplomats are in contact with Duro’s lawyer, the embassy said.
Medvedev: He miscalculated. You did not choose your homeland
Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev also commented on the issue. According to him, Durov misjudged the situation when he left Russia and “thought there was no need to cooperate with security services abroad.” He recalled a conversation he allegedly had with Duro a few years ago, in which he allegedly told the billionaire that if he wasn’t willing to cooperate with law enforcement agencies, there would be problems in “every country.”
Medvedev said Durov “wanted to be a citizen of the world, leading a wonderful life outside his homeland.” – He miscalculated – he said. – For all our common enemies, he is Russian, therefore unpredictable and dangerous – he added.
According to Medvedev, “Durov must finally realize that you did not choose your homeland.”
A signal to criminals?
The French media are surprised by Durov’s appearance in France, aware of the possibility of arrest, which he has so far avoided, traveling to the United Arab Emirates, countries of the former Soviet Union and South America.
According to TF1 information, Duro’s arrests include: giving a signal to criminals operating on Telegram, as well as pressuring European countries to combat encrypted messages in the context of terrorist threats.
PAP,, Nexta, Reuters
Main photo source: Reuters
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