The portal represents not only its own data, but also messages from enemy headquarters. The governor of the occupied part of the Zaporizhzhia region also reported that Pyatichatki was under the control of Ukrainian forces. On his Telegram channel, he claims that “hurricane-force” attacks by Ukrainian forces resulted in the capture of the city.
He also said that the reserves of Ukraine’s armed forces – a large number of infantry and many armored vehicles – have moved to Pyatigorsk. The governor, who is loyal to Moscow, expressed his fear that capturing Byadysatki would open the way for the Ukrainian army to capture Zerebianka and Vasilivka, Ukraineska Pravda wrote.
The rest of the text is below the video.
Ukraine’s counterattack
Ukrainian forces continued counteroffensive operations in at least three sectors of the front and reportedly made progress, the US Institute for the Study of War (ISW) said in a report on Saturday.
According to the Ukrainian civil servants, effective operations should be carried out in the Stuposky region southwest of Baghmut, in the west of the Donetsk region in the Vuhledar region and in the west of the Zaporizhia region.
Referring to available records, whose location has been confirmed, the Internal Affairs Agency estimates that the Ukrainians made limited local progress in the Yahytne area near Baghmut. In turn, Russian sources said that Ukrainian troops continued their attacks to the northwest, west and southwest of Baghmut.
In addition, according to Russian “war bloggers”, the Ukrainians should continue their attacks on Russian positions south of Velika Novosilka in the Donetsk region, southwest of Orikou in the Zaporizhia region, and make progress in the central part of the nearby Zaporizhia region. Hulebol village.