A 37-year-old Saudi man has been charged with driving his car on Spanish steps in Rome and damaging a monument. The 37-year-old’s performance was recorded on surveillance camera. Popular stairs are highly protected – among other things, they are forbidden to sit on.
Photos of the Roman observation show him entering the pedestrian zone at night from Tuesday to Wednesday, then on the famous Spanish steps in the capital Rome Italian. Steps 16 and 29 on the right side of the car stairs were broken.
Police have identified the man through car rental companies based on photos of the vehicle captured by cameras. 37 year old citizen Saudi ArabiaA taxi driver has been detained at Milan Malbensa Airport. Local police said he was charged with causing damage to the monument by Spanish steps.
A car goes up the Spanish stepsFacebook @PoliziaRomaCapitale
Repairing damaged stairs
The Roman Heritage Office said some of the marble fragments of the destroyed stairs would be temporarily reattached, allowing pedestrians to reopen the stairs immediately.
However, the press release added that ‘further work is needed to restore the damaged steps by replacing the broken parts with travertine blocks that are compatible in color and material properties’.
Traditional technicians are constantly evaluating the damage caused by the accident. In addition to the two steps where the cracks occurred, numerous “chips, scratches, abrasions and deposits” were found on the second level of the stairs.
One of the most famous monuments of the Italian capital
Spanish steps are one of the most famous monuments Rome. They got their name from the Spanish embassy in the Holy See, located in the palace in the square below.
In 2015, the staircase underwent a two-year renovation that will cost 1.5 million euros. From 2019, it is prohibited to sit on the stairs under penalty.
Spanish Steps served as the backdrop for numerous film sequences, including the 1953 film “A Roman Vacation” starring Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Beck.
Main photo source: Facebook @PoliziaRomaCapitale
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