In an interview with Lithuanian television TV3 on Thursday evening, Lithuanian President Kitanas Naučeda announced that he had received a “very interesting proposal” from President Andrzej Duda in the field of military cooperation. – We start with initial forms of cooperation and then we want to deepen this cooperation – Nauseda pointed out.
“We are talking about close military defense cooperation,” Nauseda told the Demesio Center. “The form and method of cooperation still needs to be discussed, (…) and our capabilities need to be evaluated,” he said.
According to Nauseda, “more Poland in Lithuania” will be one of his country’s strategic goals. – It is (existence – version) rotating, permanent. The President pointed out that it is understandable that we start with the initial forms of cooperation, and then we want to deepen this cooperation.
Lithuanian soldiersXinhua/East News
Nauseda: We have achieved good dynamics in our relations with Poland
“I will honestly admit that I would be very happy about that, because we have really achieved a good movement in our relations with Poland, in the military and defense sectors,” Nauseda said. “Especially in the current situation, it’s really worth using this great mutual commitment,” he said.
read more: Scholz: We need to tighten sanctions, and Russia needs to withdraw its forces
Poland and Lithuania are the countries most involved in aid Ukraine repels Russian invasion.
Main photo source: Xinhua/East News
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