Maria Branyas is dead. Oldest man in the world

What do we know about Maria Branyas?

The girl was born on March 4, 1907 in San Francisco, California. He then returned to Spain with his family. He enjoyed good health and fitness until the end of his life. At the age of 110, he read newspapers on his own and recalled events from his childhood. She inherited the title of world’s oldest person in January 2023 from French nun Sister Andre, who died just before her 118th birthday.

What did Maria Branyas say before she died?

Relatives of the deceased told Sky News a few days before her death that “I don’t know when, but soon her long journey will end”. She must calmly accept her impending death. “I want to greet her with a smile, feeling free and content,” he was quoted as saying by the British station.

Apart from his relatives, the former head of the Catalonia government, Pere Aragones, also announced the elder’s death.

“The world’s oldest person, Catalan and resident of Olot, Maria Branyas, dies at 117. A woman full of energy and joy. Full of history. Rest in peace, Maria. Nice to meet you.” The politician wrote.

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