On Sunday Pope Francis He celebrated Mass at the Vatican on Sunday for the sixth World Day of the Poor.
During his speech at the Vatican Basilica, he spoke about how people will respond to the disturbing news from around the world. He also mentions reading horoscopes.
– We allow ourselves to be guided by fear Perhaps with morbid curiosity we seek answers in the sorcerers’ folly or in horoscopes Or we believe in fancy doctrines preached by some “Messiah,” complained Pope Francis.
The head of the Catholic Church warned against doomsday thinking – “We are approaching the end of the world and it is not worth getting involved in anything good.”
– The history of humanity is marked by dramatic events, sufferings, wars, revolutions and catastrophes, but Jesus says that these are not the end – Pope Francis argued and encouraged “no room for fear”.
– Every crisis creates an opportunity and opportunities for development – he said. And he asked:
– What will you do when you see chaotic events around you, when wars and conflicts break out, when earthquakes, famines and pestilences occur? Looking for entertainment without thinking about it? Having fun without committing? Do you turn away so you don’t see?
Franciszek mentioned the war in Ukraine, the climate crisis and the coronavirus pandemic.
– Let’s not heed the prophets of doom and be mesmerized by the sirens of populism.. Let us shine the lights of hope in the midst of darkness, the Pope appealed.