Earlier media reports suggested that Russian officials had found it difficult to travel abroad since the invasion of Ukraine, but no details were given. Now the portal The Moscow Times reveals that no one has the right to leave Russia without special permission. The portal cites information from a high-ranking government official.
The official travel ban reflects the Kremlin’s growing fear of spies and defectors. These measures are an attempt to prevent officers from abandoning their work
FSB officers take the passports of some officers. But there are other methods.
FSB [Federalna Służba Bezpieczeństwa] Maintains a list of officers, governors and other government employees who are required to obtain separate permission to leave the country
One of the government officials cited by the Moscow Times notes that Vladimir Putin is largely responsible for issuing personal endorsements.
Putin should look at this list and find out who is going abroad and why
“No one can go anywhere without personal permission,” a senior Russian government official told The Moscow Times.https://t.co/Fv1xKu7MNU
— The Moscow Times (@MoscowTimes) March 28, 2023
Source: niezalezna.pl
#Russia, #FSB, #Passport, #Putin
Konrad Wysocki