The Russian aggression against Ukraine has been going on for more than six weeks. “Everywhere you look today, the tide of protectionist sentiment is flowing. He called on Ukrainian citizens to help identify those killed in the Russian attack. On we report another day of the Russian invasion.
> On the morning of February 24, Vladimir Putin announced the start of the invasion of Ukraine. Since then missiles have fallen on the Ukrainian army and civilian targets, but the Russian army has not been able to capture the capital. Russian troops withdrew from Kiev.
> Ukraine’s Minister of Internal Affairs Denis Monastirsky said that the city of Borodjiang is one of the most damaged cities in the Kiev region. “This is further evidence of Russian crimes against humanity,” he said.
> Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky insists that new sanctions against Russia are not enough for Moscow to take peace with Ukraine seriously. Zelensky calls for a ban on Russian oil supplies.
> Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said Ukraine can certainly win the war with RussiaAnd this is indicated by the course of the conflict.
> After the withdrawal of Russian troops from the city, in Pucha in the Kiev region The public grave was discovered. The city’s mayor, Anatoly Fedoruk, said Russian troops had killed more than 300 city residents.
Main photo source: Roman Philippi / PAP / EPA