Horoscope for June for Taurus
Life hasn’t been easy for you because a series of eclipses in Taurus and your sign opposite Scorpio come every six months since November 19, 2021. Eclipses always fall on a new moon or full moon, and they’re very powerful – they have the power of three new or full moons rolled into one. . The most recent solar eclipse arrived on April 19, 2023, and it was mainly gentle. Two weeks later, as usual, we had a lunar eclipse on May 5, 2023. As a fixed sign, dear Taurus, every bone in your body is urging you to maintain the current structure of your life, but if the eclipse touches degrees of your birthday the Sun, or another planet in your chart Bey, you had to understand that change had arrived, and you had no choice but to accept it and amend it.
The last two eclipses were among the most difficult I’ve seen in a long time – the first last month on May 5, 2023, and the eclipse that occurred late last year on November 8, 2022. To the powerful role played by Uranus, the planet of wild and unexpected results, in both eclipses. If you feel either of these two eclipses, chances are the news is suddenly and completely out of left field because that’s just the way Uranus works.
The eclipse is over, and if you noticed news last month (or in April around April 5), you may be dealing with some remnants of the changes brought about by one or more eclipses.
Additionally, if your birthday is around May 5 (within five days) and you didn’t hear news last month, there’s still a chance you’ll notice news of the May 5 eclipse at the June 3 full moon (plus five days). For about 15 percent of the readers who will be affected, the full moon eclipse message in May will be delivered one month after or near the full moon in June, and the impact range will be from June 3 to June 8. For readers born on May 5th, plus or minus five days, readers with a birth planet at 15 degrees Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius – these were the four most challenging signs (or if you have planets born in those signs) will also be included. at or near 15 degrees).