Since the beginning of the Ukraine invasion, Russia has been reluctant to report war casualties, which today is almost a state secret. The Kremlin has not updated official data on war victims in Ukraine for nearly four weeks.
Meanwhile, the information that was to be announced during the closed meeting of the Ministry of Defense of Russia appeared on the site “Readovka” on the social network Vkontakte (the most popular social network in Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus – edition.), But that entry was later removed. The screen shot was released on the Telegram Channel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The number of Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine (more than 13,000), according to “Readovki”, in addition to about 7,000 information. The soldiers were reported missing.
“Cruiser Moscow numbers were also announced: 116 killed, more than 100 missing,” the release said.
The rest of the text below the video.
Since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine, Russia has lost 21,000 jobs. 200 soldiers and 838 tanks, civilians of the Ukrainian Armed Forces said Friday morning.
Since the outbreak of war on February 24, Russian forces have also lost:
2,162 armored personnel carriers,
397 artillery systems,
138 multi-rocket missiles,
69 Air defense systems,
176 aircraft,
153 helicopters
1523 cars
Eight ships,
76 fuel tanks
And 172 unmanned aerial vehicles.
As mentioned, the data has been refined and accurate calculations are complicated by the high level of hostility in Ukraine.
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Created: Today, 09:14