Sunday marks the 746th day of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Russia is moving ship modernization sites from Crimea, Ukrainian-Tatar opposition movement Atesh reported. “Our agents are monitoring regular shipments of Russian ship engines from Crimea to Taman,” we read in a message posted on Telegram. “The reason is the successful attacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on military targets in Crimea. Adesh plays an important role in this process. We are sure that the Black Sea Fleet will turn into a river swamp. Or it will be completely destroyed,” it added. Follow Virtualna Polska's live coverage.
The Ministry of National Defense published photos of the DRAGON24 maneuvers on the X website – an integral part of the largest NATO maneuvers since 1999.
Warning: Kremlin propaganda
Russians say drone shot down over Novgorod – There were no casualties, injuries or damage, the region's governor said, as quoted by the Kremlin's TASS news agency.
The Ambassador of Ukraine to the Vatican commented on the Pope's words on the peace talks between Ukraine and Russia. Francis spoke of “the courage of the white flag.” “During World War II, did anyone seriously talk about peace talks with Hitler?” – asked the diplomat in response.
A Swedish infantry fighting vehicle on the Ukrainian front. “The CV-90 is very effective (…). Crews say the vehicle is reliable and significantly superior to the Soviet IFV,” we read in a statement from the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
Russian shelling using drones and artillery killed three people in eastern Ukraine's Donetsk region on Sunday. 12 people were injured in a rocket attack in the city of Mirnohrad.
A 66-year-old man was killed in Chasiv Yar town on Sunday morning by Russian artillery shelling. The city of Dobropilla was hit by drones during the night from Saturday to Sunday. In the morning, rescuers recovered the bodies of two people from the rubble of the collapsed house.
In Mirnograd, three Russian S-300 missiles circled a residential area at 3 a.m. The Donetsk Oblast Prosecutor's Office said on Sunday that 12 people, aged between 16 and 95, were injured. 9 flats were damaged.
Map of anti-aircraft warnings in Ukraine.
Johnson also discussed conditions for normalizing relations with Britain, which does not recognize the legitimacy of the Maduro administration. Sources cited by The Sunday Times include holding free and fair presidential elections this year and easing tensions with Guyana, which owns two-thirds of the oil and mineral-rich Essequibo region, which Venezuela claims. Last month, the British navy sent a patrol ship to the area, which Maduro described as a “hostile provocation”.
The Sunday Times notes that such talks are highly unusual given the state of bilateral relations and the wider uncertainty over the West's relationship with Venezuela, which has the world's largest oil reserves and has staunchly backed Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson secretly traveled to Venezuela last month for unofficial talks with its autocratic leader Nicolas Maduro, The Sunday Times revealed on Sunday.
According to the newspaper, Johnson flew to Venezuela on a private jet while on vacation in the Dominican Republic and spent less than 24 hours in the Maduro-ruled country. He wants to talk to him about the war in Ukraine, which is linked to Western concerns that Venezuela could provide arms or other military support to its close ally, Russia.
– After the destruction of the patrol ship “Sergey Godov”, the Russians reduced the number of warships in the occupied Crimea – the spokesperson of the Ukrainian Naval Command was quoted by Nexta.
Dmytro Pletenchuk noted that only units that “could not find” the location of others at Russian base points are currently stationed there.
– The first task of all NATO countries is to maintain integrity, effectiveness and readiness to defend and deter – former President Alexander Kwasniewski told PAP. He also said that Europe should increase its contribution to NATO.
TheWarNews has published a post on PL X that shows volunteers from Belgium fighting in the ranks of the Ukrainian International Legion.
In the morning, the Russians shelled Chasiv Yar in the Donetsk region. Ukrinform news agency reported that one person died.
“Instead of a thousand words. Ukrainian security guard learns how to fly a drone in Zaporizhia province,” Anton Zerashchenko, adviser to Ukraine's Minister of Internal Affairs, wrote on the website X.
Ukraine's Ministry of Internal Affairs posted a short video from the front on Telegram.
– Ukraine is tired and hurt, but no one wants to give up – said the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Archbishop Svyatoslav Shevchuk, during a meeting with the faithful in the Church of St. George in New York.
Russia is moving ship modernization sites from Crimea, Ukrainian-Tatar opposition movement Atesh reported. “Our agents are monitoring regular shipments of Russian ship engines from Crimea to Taman,” we read in a message posted on Telegram.
“The reason is the successful attacks of the armed forces of Ukraine on military targets in Crimea. Adesh plays an important role in this process. We firmly believe that the Black Sea Fleet will turn into a river swamp. Or it will be completely destroyed,” it added.
Bloomberg reports that the US and Japan are discussing defense cooperation to support Ukraine.
The company indicated that Tokyo and Washington are considering expanding an agreement that would allow Japanese companies to provide routine maintenance and repair services to US military assets, including warships and F-35 fighter jets.
The rescue mission ended in Dobropol. Ukrainian services recovered the bodies of two people from the rubble.
“At night, Russia attacked Ukraine with 39 Shahed kamikaze drones. Ukrainian defenders shot down 35 drones. Great job by our fighters. Thank you for your service! We are grateful to our partners for strengthening Ukraine's air defense capabilities,” the statement said. Ukrainian Armed Forces.
Ukraine will accelerate the strengthening of defense positions in several areas near the front line, which will limit Russia's ability to use tactical gains in the event of an attack, the British Ministry of Defense said on Sunday.
The daily intelligence update says the “Dragon's Teeth” are strengthening positions by erecting anti-tank barricades, digging trenches to disrupt the movement of enemy tanks, creating trenches for own infantry, laying mines and building defensive fortifications.
“The expansion of the defensive lines would limit Russia's ability to advance or use tactical gains as part of its current offensive operations. “The advance could be accompanied by heavy casualties,” it assessed.