The paradox of strategists The weirdest press show was last week, where they announced a program sims A competitor but never actually said or shown anything about it. Now they have.
This is it life by you“A Commodifiable Coming Life Simulation” manufactured by Paradox Tectonic:
this sims All right competitor! While at first it may seem like cutting very Close to the Maxis fabric, Paradox says the big draw here is just that life by you He puts a lot of effort into creating the customization suites (harder than sims Anyway), allowing players to shape not only their looks and homes, but their careers and conversations as well.
Unlock a whole new world of creative possibilities life by you. Be in complete control of the humans you create, the cities you build, and the stories you tell. And oh yeah – mods! We know life is always better with a heavy splash of your imagination, so we back you up with a variety of creator tools so you can design your life however you see fit – or break the rules of life itself. Designed to be one of the most adaptable and open-ended life simulation games out there, we look forward to the humans, stories and creations you’ll make. life by you.
life by you It’s only for PC, and it’ll go into Early Access (on both Steam and the Epic Games Store) on September 12th.
That was a little strange sims It has remained unchallenged for a long time, given both its age and massive popularity, but making these kinds of games is hard work! We’re finally getting some serious competition in the space now, between this And promising charlatansso it will be interesting to see What is the effect of all this The Sims 5…whenever released.