“Belarusian services continue to organize illegal border crossings for foreigners coming to them from Russia” – We read in a post posted on the Border Guard profile on Facebook. Officials showed a video showing a group of a dozen or so migrants talking to representatives of Belarusian services.
The Border Guard reports that it was registered in Dubrovnik on October 26. This material documents an attempt to access the border river, the Swisslocks.
The Belarusian side continues to support illegal immigrants, especially by making it easier to cross the border guard and transport them to the border area and its entire territory. Foreigners are sent to convenient border crossings, especially border rivers, wetlands and swamps – sum up the scene that can be found in the records of Polish border guards.
The rest of the article is under the video…
See also: Migration crisis. Granica Group advocates for Potlasi’s situation and “killing the rule of law”
Anna Alboth, an activist and human rights defender, summarized the latest activities surrounding the crisis on her social media profile. She wrote that it is enough to look at the statistics. – Already after the wall was built in Polish forests, 22 people disappeared, activists documented 254 “pushbacks”, and received more than 1,600 asylum applications, and 68 of them involved children – we read.
The activists of the Granica Group write: “The rulers and their subordinate services abdicate responsibility for the fate of the people trapped in the border forests (often risking their lives). They also create the false impression that a wall on the Belarusian border is the best solution to the humanitarian crisis.”
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