The Russians are digging trenches. Did Putin forget his own mandate because of the failure at Khargou?

The front in the eastern part of the Kharkiv region froze over the river reached by…

A Ukrainian peasant wanted an unusual reward from the army. “I’ll remember it for them.”

A Ukrainian peasant has failed his army. After the rapid evacuation of the Russian soldiers, there…

Armenia – Azerbaijan. Border skirmishes. What are Azerbaijan’s goals and what does this conflict mean for Russia?

Azerbaijan aims to use the favorable international economic situation to increase military pressure against Armenia, including…

CIA expert on German counterintelligence specialists. This is about Russia

John Seiber, a former CIA agent and now a Secret Service specialist, called German counterintelligence experts…

Ukrainian counteroffensive after Russian invasion. General Waldemar Scribsack analyzes

At this point, the Ukrainians lost an opportunity for the Russians to launch an offensive operation,…

“New York Times” about celebrating Moscow Day during defeat before Vladimir Putin

Russian propaganda bloggers covering the course of the war from the front lines now present a…

Covid-19 and life expectancy. UN Human Development Report. Where does Poland rank?

Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, 90 percent of countries have seen declining life expectancy…

Czech Minister: A series of pro-Russian governments will be installed in Europe next year.

“If we fail, the influence of pro-Russian forces will increase. Next year, several pro-Russian governments will…

“The special operation continues as planned”, which means that the Kharkiv front has been broken [KOMENTARZ]

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He was Queen Elizabeth’s chef. He still remembers one thing – o2

Queen Elizabeth died on Thursday, September 8. Monarchini spent her last moments surrounded by her loved…