War in Ukraine. America’s top decision? Media: Joe Biden is ready to accept

Politico reports on a possible next aid package, this time including long-range missiles. According to the authors, citing White House sources, the decision has not yet been made, but Details regarding the replacement of this type of weapon are already being worked out.

At present, mainly the technical and logistical issues of the operation are to be verified. There will be bullets A significant increase in the combat power of Ukrainian F-16 fighters. The aircraft can launch rockets weighing up to 1,000 kilograms.

When asked about a possible date for handing over the weapons, a Pentagon representative declined to comment.

– We are considering several options to meet Ukraine’s aid needs, but We have no information to share – said Jeff Jurgenson, Pentagon spokesman.

War in Ukraine. Specialist in the use of F-16 in the Kursk region

He spoke on Channel 24 television about Ukraine’s strike capabilities using Western equipment Military expert Konstantin Krivolup.

The analyst pointed out, among other things: on the issue of F-16 combat missions. According to him, the Armed Forces of Ukraine Aircraft may not be used to carry out attacks on the territory of the Russian Federation.

According to Krywolap, although officials in Kiev received approval from Denmark, which transferred the machines to Ukraine, their manufacturer is the United States, and the final decision rests with the White House.

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