War in Ukraine. Russia recruits new soldiers. Provides achievement bonuses

The topic of pay for those willing to take part in the war appeared in the politician’s statement, which was published online. Moscow’s mayor, Sergei Sobyanin, insisted they were ready For the first year of service they will receive 5.2 million rubles (approximately PLN 235.5 thousand – ed.). That’s not all, however, as capital officials will pay a one-time bonus for signing the deal. In this case We are talking about 1.9 million rubles (approximately PLN 86.5 thousand – ed.).

The report also mentioned compensation in case of injury to encourage men to participate in the struggle. These depend on “severity” and size 22 thousand to 45 thousand zloty. And if a recruit dies before, it’s family will receive an amount of approximately PLN 135,000. Zloty.

However, according to analysts, Sergey Sobyan’s announcement did not contain important information regarding the compensation to be paid to the family of the deceased recruit. The regulations of the Ministry of National Defense are as follows: Payment will be made only if the death is confirmed by the Divisional Commander. Today’s experience is that players are often considered “missing”, which does not provide grounds for compensation.

War in Ukraine. The Russian military is experiencing shortages

Information about military recruitment appears alongside frequent reports of serious personnel problems in the Russian military. According to military experts, during the invasion Russia lost 87 percent of its active ground forces.

The Russian Ministry of Defense also makes extensive use of foreign mercenaries. As CNN analysts have been saying in recent months About 15,000 Nepalese were drafted into the Russian army. Citizens of Afghanistan, India, Congo and Egypt are among the leading groups.

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