The prayer for peace in Ukraine was accompanied by a procession of lights over the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Poznan. The procession was led by Archbishop Gedeki.
“As a result of war, we are all defeated. Even those who did not take part in it and watched this horror were not engaged in peace-making – said the head of the Polish bishops.
The procession across the Bishop Jordan Bridge was attended by citizens of Poznan and firefighters from various towns in the Archdiocese. Firefighters laid bouquets in front of the statue of the Immaculata, which towers over the site of Poland’s first Christian church in the town of Prince Mieszko I.
Archbishop Gądecki: Mary, comfort the refugees
– Mother of the Savior, through your intercession, we ask Peace to Ukraine. Condolences to all the bereaved families. Empower refugees and internally displaced persons. Archbishop Gedecki prayed for the healing of those wounded in spirit.
The metropolitan of Poznan mentioned the Roman prayer before the statue of the Immaculata. – Like the people of Rome who gather annually in Piazza di Spagna in front of the Marian column erected to commemorate the Annunciation of the Immaculate Conception, today we stand before the statue with handfuls of flowers. Archbishop Gądecki said, “I pay tribute to her, who was saved from her original sin and from all the stains of sin – by the grace of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Immaculata.”
“Let the light of faith light up our days”
In the act of dedication to the Immaculata, he asked Mary to help people hear the voice of Christ, so that “the cry of the poor does not meet our indifference, the suffering of the sick and the poor does not escape our attention. We are moved by the loneliness of the elderly and the vulnerability of children, so that every human life is always valued by us.”
– May we not lose sight of the purpose of our earthly journey. Let the soft light of faith illuminate our days, Archbishop Gądecki emphasized.
read more:
Francis: We must not get used to war in Ukraine